Efficient use of PowerPoint & Co.
smartXpress is an MS Office Tool enabling you to bring your ideas to paper in a well structured and formally perfect way. With smartXpress you do the work in MS Office not only faster but also better, because by using smartXpress you can concentrate on the quality of the content.
With smartXpress you not only use a PowerPoint-Tool, Excel-Tool or Word-Tool, you always are provided with a suite of well harmonized additional functions. Depending on your application focus three different product lines are provided containing intelligent functions for Excel, Word and PowerPoint.
smartXpress STYLE helps you to create documents not only meeting your own aesthetic requirements, but particulary conform to your corporate design standards. More...
smartXpress QUANT facilitates the exchange of quantitative data and its high quality visualization in form of tables and diagrams. More...
smartXpress LIB provides easy access to centrally maintained repositories containing templates for content, structure and format as well as media elements. More...
The smartXpress functions can easily be integrated in PowerPoint, Excel or Word by installing an add-in.