Reference customers
A lot of renowned enterprises already decided to use smartXpress to meet business targets like efficiency, professionality in communication and conformity with corporate design.

Sal. Oppenheim has been relying on smartXpress for supporting internal and external coummunication using PowerPoint, Excel or Word for many years.

NTT DATA uses smartXpress as vehicle for ensuring a homogeneous appearance across multiple subsidiaries in different countries and as distribution channel for centrally maintained templates.

TMG Consultants use smartXpress in order to win significant efficiency in producing presentation slides in their daily project and consulting business.

Since the switching of brands to "die Bayerische" the live and property insurance company from Munich relies on smartXpress for all corporate design issues in PowerPoint.

At top management consultancy plenum Management Consulting smartXpress evolved to an essential tool for the prodution process of presentation slides.
Do you also like to benefit from increasing efficiency and quality in producing presentations, reports and many other document types by using smartXpress?
Feel free to contact us!